
6월 꽃구경, 여름 여행으로 가볼 만한 전국 라벤더 명소 추천 🌸 / Recommended nationwide lavender spots for June flower viewing and summer trips 🌸

kstay 2024. 6. 18. 13:46

6월 꽃구경, 여름 여행으로 가볼 만한 전국 라벤더 명소 추천 🌸

Recommended nationwide lavender spots for June flower viewing and summer trips 🌸

여러분, 여름이 코앞이에요! 6월이면 향긋한 라벤더가 만발하는데, 그 보랏빛 물결 속으로 떠나볼까요? 여름의 시작을 라벤더와 함께하면 정말 힐링이 될 거예요. 오늘은 kstay와 키키네기숙사에서 외국인 친구들을 위해 준비한 라벤더 명소를 소개해 드릴게요. kstay와 키키네기숙사와 함께하면 한국 생활도 한층 더 즐거워질 거예요!

Summer is just around the corner, everyone! Scented lavender is in full bloom in June, so should we go into that purple wave? It will be really healing to start summer with lavender. Today, I will introduce you to famous lavender spots prepared by Kstay and Kiki Dormitory for foreign friends. Korean life will be even more enjoyable with Kstay and Kiki


고성 하늬라벤더팜 🌿
먼저 소개할 곳은 고성 하늬라벤더팜이에요. 여기는 진짜 그림책에서 튀어나온 것 같아요! 도로부터 트랙터까지 보랏빛으로 물들어 있어서 환상적이죠. 특히 6월 중순이 절정이라서 이때 맞춰 가면 라벤더 축제도 즐길 수 있어요. 여기서는 라벤더 향수 만들기나 향주머니 만들기 같은 체험도 할 수 있어서 더욱 특별해요. 하늬라벤더팜의 카페에서 라벤더 아이스크림까지 먹으면서 휴식도 취해보세요.


Goseong Hanee Lavender Farm 🌿
The first place I want to introduce is Goseong Hanee Lavender Farm. It looks like it's from a real picture book! It's fantastic because the roads and tractors are colored purple. Especially, mid-June is the peak, so if you go around this time, you can also enjoy lavender festivals. It's even more special here because you can experience making lavender perfume and making scent bags. Enjoy lavender ice cream at Hanee Lavender Farm's cafe and take a rest.


동해 무릉별유천지 🏞️
다음은 동해 무릉별유천지입니다. 이름부터 하늘 아래 최고 경치가 좋은 곳이라는 의미가 담겨 있어요. 이곳은 원래 석회석 광산이었는데, 지금은 아름다운 정원과 호수가 어우러진 명소로 변신했죠. 라벤더 정원에서는 에메랄드빛 호수와 함께 꽃밭을 즐길 수 있어요. 전망 카페에서는 무릉별유천지의 전경을 감상하며 시멘트 아이스크림도 맛볼 수 있어요. kstay와 키키네기숙사에서 추천하는 이곳에서 여름의 청량함을 만끽해보세요.


East Sea Mureungbyul Heaven 🏞 ️
Next is the East Sea Mureungbyul Yucheon. The name implies that it is the place with the best scenery under the sky. Originally used to be a limestone mine, now it has transformed into a famous place with beautiful gardens and lakes. In the lavender garden, you can enjoy an emerald-colored lake and a flower garden. At the observation cafe, you can enjoy the view of the Mureungbyul Yucheon and enjoy cement ice cream. Enjoy the freshness of summer here recommended by Kstay and Kiki dormitory.


정읍 허브원 🌼
전북 정읍에 위치한 허브원도 빼놓을 수 없죠. 3만 평의 넓은 부지에 라벤더가 펼쳐져 있는 이곳은 6월 한 달 동안 라벤더&코스모스 축제를 열어요. 산자락에 위치해 있어서 자연 풍경과 어우러져 더욱 아름답답니다. 언덕 위에 있는 카페 허브원에서는 통유리를 통해 라벤더를 감상할 수 있어요. 정읍 허브원에서 라벤더의 향기와 함께 여름을 맞이해보세요.


Jeongeup Herb Garden 🌼
Herb Garden, located in Jeongeup, North Jeolla Province, is also a must-see. With lavender spread on a large lot of 30,000 pyeong, it holds the Lavender & Cosmos Festival during the month of June. It is located at the foot of the mountain, so it is even more beautiful in harmony with the natural scenery. At the Cafe Herb Garden on the hill, you can enjoy lavender through the glass. Welcome summer with the scent of lavender at the Herb Garden in Jeongeup.


거제 지세포진성 꽃동산 🌺
마지막으로 소개할 곳은 거제 지세포진성 꽃동산이에요. 이곳은 바다와 라벤더를 한 번에 즐길 수 있는 명소로, 조선시대 인종 때 왜구의 침입을 막기 위해 쌓은 성을 아름다운 꽃동산으로 변신시킨 곳이에요. 산책로를 따라 올라가면 다채로운 꽃들이 펼쳐져 있고, 예쁜 조형물도 있어 인생샷 남기기에 딱이에요.


Geoje's Geocytosis Flower Garden 🌺
The last place to introduce is the Geojipseong Flower Garden. This is a place where you can enjoy the sea and lavender at once, and the castle that was built during the Joseon Dynasty to prevent Japanese pirates from invading has been transformed into a beautiful flower garden. If you go up the trail, you will find colorful flowers and beautiful sculptures, which are perfect for taking photos of your life.

이렇게 kstay와 키키네기숙사가 추천하는 전국 라벤더 명소를 소개해드렸어요. 한국의 아름다운 여름을 만끽하면서 라벤더 향기에 흠뻑 취해보세요! kstay와 키키네기숙사와 함께라면 한국에서의 생활이 더욱 풍성하고 즐거울 거예요. 그럼 모두 즐거운 여름 되세요! 🌞


So we've introduced you to the recommended lavender spots by Kstay and Kiki Dormitory. Enjoy the beautiful summer in Korea and immerse yourself in the scent of lavender! Life in Korea will be richer and more enjoyable with Kstay and Kiki Dormitory. Then have a great summer, everyone! 🌞






대구에 있는 테마파크인 이월드에 가본 적이 있으신가요? 2023년 6월 20일 한국에 거주하시는 여러분들께서는 한국의 테마파크라고 하면 어떤 곳이 떠오르시나요? 서울에 계신 분들은 아마도 경
